Feb. 4, 2016


Just got in this one Today. Poor guy broke his right foot. Mr.Jerman has fwelded ewerything together.

Just got in this one Today. Poor guy broke his right foot. Mr.Jerman has fwelded ewerything together.

Latest comments

07.08 | 04:13

ProNova Partners would like to collaborate with you on the sale of your business ASAP. Buyer demand is sky-high for our offerings - we closed ALMOST ALL of the new engagements we were hired for natio

16.06 | 15:36

I am looking to get a worth pitchers helmet air brushed.

08.06 | 10:01

Živjo, je kakšna možnost ne celotnega barvanja okvirja, ampak samo popravilo obstoječe barve? Obnavljam starejše kolo, ki ima nekaj prask, ampak ga ne želim prebarvati celega, da je čim več "original"

19.12 | 22:01

Začnem pri 300€.
Okvirno bi bil znesek okrog 400. Za bolj natancno oceno pa bi morsl vedeti več. Npr.koliko in katere logotipe bi imel. Ali bi bila samo eana osnovna barva ali več... .

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