Jan. 8, 2020

Long time, no see.

It's gone allmost 3 years since my last blog edit. Since than, I did lots of great stuff.

I wlii post pictures of some projects.

Latest comments

07.08 | 04:13

ProNova Partners would like to collaborate with you on the sale of your business ASAP. Buyer demand is sky-high for our offerings - we closed ALMOST ALL of the new engagements we were hired for natio

16.06 | 15:36

I am looking to get a worth pitchers helmet air brushed.

08.06 | 10:01

Živjo, je kakšna možnost ne celotnega barvanja okvirja, ampak samo popravilo obstoječe barve? Obnavljam starejše kolo, ki ima nekaj prask, ampak ga ne želim prebarvati celega, da je čim več "original"

19.12 | 22:01

Začnem pri 300€.
Okvirno bi bil znesek okrog 400. Za bolj natancno oceno pa bi morsl vedeti več. Npr.koliko in katere logotipe bi imel. Ali bi bila samo eana osnovna barva ali več... .

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